- JP
- EN
日本ワイナリーアワード® について

- 審査方法について
- 地方区および全国区審査員が、対象となるワイナリーから評価に値するワイナリーを厳選し、全国区審査員全員で協議し決定。
- 審査員について
- 個別の銘柄の品質を試飲により評価するのではなく、ワイナリーとしての評価を求める。そのため審査員は試飲能力に優れ、世界各地のワインに精通するのみならず、原則として10年以上にわたり、下記の条件いずれかに該当する者とする。
- 【1】日本ワインを広く取り扱う酒販店の代表または仕入れ担当者
【3】日本ワインに関する著作・記事のある者 -
- 審査対象ワイナリーについて
- 審査対象は原則として、設立より5年以上経過した国内ワイナリーとする。
- 委託醸造ワイナリーについては、5年以上の生産歴があり最新のヴィンテージで年間1,000本(750ml換算)以上生産しているワイナリーを審査対象とする。
- ※同一法人で複数の醸造施設を持つワイナリーは、基本一つのワイナリーとして考える。また同一資本だが別個の法人である場合は、基本的にそれぞれが独立したワイナリーと考える。
- 審査基準について
- 最高位を「5つ星」、以下順に「4つ星」、「3つ星」、「コニサーズワイナリー」の4段階。
- ※本アワードの関係者と称し、テイスティングを求めることはありません。
日本ワイナリーアワード®2024 受賞ワイナリー

- ドメーヌ・タカヒコ
- 日本の数少ないピノ・ノワールの造り手として栽培、醸造の両面で自分らしさと日本らしさを表現している。

- 有限会社山﨑ワイナリー
- 農産物の付加価値向上による農家の地位向上の貢献度合いが高く、高品質で安定したヨーロッパ品種を生み出している。

- 有限会社酒井ワイナリー
- 自然栽培をモットーに、除草剤や化学肥料を散布せずに高品質なワインを造り続ける山形最古のワイナリー。

- 株式会社高畠ワイナリー
- 長期視点の”100年構想”を掲げ、海外の銘醸地に伍する高品質な日本ワイン造りを目指している。

- 有限会社タケダワイナリー
- いち早く欧州系ワイン品種の栽培に着手。化成肥料は使わず減農薬栽培に努め、ハイレベルなコストパフォーマンスの高いワインを造る。

ARUGA - 県内甲州種に特化したワインはスパークリング、辛口、甘口まで個性的。世代交代も促し新たな挑戦、さらなる飛躍も期待できる。

キザンワイン - 塩山という土地から生み出される甲州の個性をストレートに表現、日本の食事シーンを楽しめるワインを造り続けている。

- Kisvinワイナリー
- 甲州をはじめ、シャルドネ、ピノ・ノワール等、品質高く傑出したワインを輩出し、世界からも注目を浴びている。新熟成庫も増設され、今後は更に質量ともに期待できる。

- サントリー株式会社
- 生産量、ワインの安定度共に高いレベル。ヨーロッパ品種を含む自社畑のブドウは高品質。見学ツアーなどの受け入れ体制も万全。

シャトー・メルシャン - 歴史的にも地域貢献的にも申し分ない実績。国内においては最も影響力のあるワイナリー。

シャンテワイン - 個性の際立つワインと上質なデイリーワインを両立させ、天候の厳しい収穫年においてもきっちりと味わいをまとめている。

グレイスワイン - 甲州種をワイン用ブドウとして世界に認めさせた功績は大きく、国外での認知度も抜群に高い。

ルバイヤートワイン - ハイクオリティーながらリーズナブルな価格で飲めるワインを常に提供。プティヴェルドの栽培など勝沼の新たな可能性も探る。

- マンズワイン株式会社
- カジュアルで良質なものからラグジュアリーなワインまで幅広いレンジのワインを造りあげる。特にソラリスシリーズは世界的な高評価を得ているフラグシップワイン。

- 小布施ワイナリー株式会社
- ボトムレンジのワインは生産量もしっかりあり安定した品質がが楽しめる。ドメーヌシリーズは毎回ワクワクする味わいの動きが魅力。

- 株式会社Kidoワイナリー
- 産地における品種の特徴をしっかりと表現している。異なるヴィンテージや品種でも安定した品質を保っている。

安心院葡萄酒工房 - 緑豊かな敷地内にある自社畑は、ヨーロッパ品種を増植するなど年々拡大中。シャンパーニュ製法で造るスパークリングは品質も高い。

一般農業法人 株式会社NIKI Hills ヴィレッジ
NIKI Hills ワイナリー - 日本ワイナリーアワードの発表会おめでとうございます。私の故郷のブルガリアは世界で最も古いワインの産地のひとつで、ワインはとてもおいしいです。最近は日本のワインも少しずつ美味しくなっているので飲む機会が増えました。これからも頑張ってください。
鳴戸部屋 親方(元 琴欧州関)
鳴戸 勝紀(なると かつのり)



一般社団法人 日本ワイナリーアワード協議会について
2020年2月25日、「一般社団法人 日本ワイナリーアワード協議会」を設立しました。
名 称 | 一般社団法人 日本ワイナリーアワード協議会 |
代 表 理 事 ・ 審 議 委 員 長 | 遠藤 利三郎 |
専 務 理 事 ・ 事 務 局 長 | 山本光子 |
審 査 員 |
石井もと子 小山良太 鳥海美奈子 樋口真一郎 藤森真 矢澤德久 池田卓矢 丹羽規子 藤井敏彦 佐藤華子 横山広信 五味丈美 新田正明 長谷部賢 北村秀雄 花岡純也 わだえみ 安部雄一郎 小野祐香理 古賀正知 |
事 務 局 | 市川早代子、伊東寛雄、村友夕美子 |
所 在 地 | 131-0045 東京都墨田区押上1-33-3 |
2024特別審査員 ※敬称略

鳴戸部屋 親方(元 琴欧州関)
鳴戸 勝紀(なると かつのり)

アンソニー・ローズ/Anthony Rose
英国の元弁護士にしてワインジャーナリスト。創始者の一人でもあるザ・ワイン・ギャング(www.thewinegang.com)や自身のサイトでも世界中のワインについて情報を発信、ワイン愛好家の信頼を得ている。Japan Wine Challenge、Decanter World Wine Awardの審査員を務め、日本ワインコンクールの審査員経験もあり、日本ワインの今を知る数少ない海外ジャーナリストの一人。
寄稿誌:「Independent」、「Decanter」、「The Oxford Companion to Wine」
Blending the Power of Winemakers and
the Earth to Create Fine Flavors.
Japanese wines imbued with the blessings of nature and
the soul of the winemakers.
Each wine expresses the harmony of the terroir and its character.
Because of each wine's uniqueness, it's hard to decide which ones to choose.
We will award the wineries producing the finest wines
in the hope of helping you to enjoy them too.
About the judging process

- About the judging method
- Judges from regions across Japan will carefully evaluate the selected wineries. The final decision will be made after deliberation among all the judges.
- About the judges
- Rather than evaluating the quality of a particular product, the judges will appraise the wineries as a whole. Thus the judges must not only be professional wine tasters and possess knowledge about wines from around the world, but they need to satisfy the following conditions, as a general rule, over the course of at least 10 years.
1. Own or be a buyer for liquor stores handling a wide variety of Japanese wines
2. Own or be a buyer for food shops or restaurants handling a wide variety of Japanese wines
3. Be a person who has written articles or books about Japanese wines -
* To evaluate from the perspective of consumers, winery staff are not included.
* Judges are appointed every two years.
* Each region is typically evaluated by at least four judges, and the most important wine regions by at least six judges.
- About the evaluated wineries
In principle, domestic wineries that have been in business for at least five years are eligible for judging.
Wineries that have been in operation for at least five years and produce at least 1,000 bottles (750ml equivalent) per year of the latest vintage are eligible for judging. - *A winery that is run by the same company and owns various wine-making facilities is counted as a single winery. And, wineries that have the same funds but are run by different companies are counted as independent wineries.
- About the judging criteria
- Wineries are awarded one of four ratings: “5 stars” as the highest ranking, followed by “4 stars”, “3 stars”, and “Connoisseur winery”.
★★★★★“5 stars”
Wineries that have produced a great number of outstanding vintages
★★★★“4 stars”
Wineries that generally produce good quality wines
and occasionally outstanding vintages -
★★★“3 stars”
Wineries that constantly produce good quality wines
“Connoisseur winery”
Wineries that produce unique wines worth appreciating
*“Connoisseur”: a professional, an expert judge. “Connoisseur winery” means a winery that has captured the attention of professionals.
- *No wine tasting shall be requested by the judges.

- Domaine Takahiko
- As one of the few Pinot Noir producers in Japan, this winery expresses both what is unique to them and to Japan in their cultivation and brewing.

- Yamazaki Winery
- This winery produces high quality and stable European varieties that help increase the value added to agricultural products, in turn contributing greatly to the improvement of farmers’ status.

- This is one of Yamagata’s oldest wineries producing high quality wine. With the motto of natural cultivation, they do not use any herbicides or chemical fertilizers.

- Takahata Winery
- This winery has a long-term perspective with a “100 Year Plan,” and strives to produce high quality Japanese wines that rank alongside world-class famous breweries.

- As one of the first wineries to introduce European varieties in their vineyards, they avoid chemical fertilisers striving for a sustainable agriculture. They produce high quality wine with a good cost performance.

- Specializing in the indigenous variety Koshu, this winery produces unique wines ranging from sparkling, to dry, and to sweet. They welcome new challenges such as the changing generation and can be expected to take great leaps.

- Kizan Winery
- Expressing a character that is unique to the area of Enzan in Koshu, this winery has been producing wine that can be enjoyed within the Japanese dining scene.

- Kisvin Winery
- This winery has produced outstanding wines of high quality, including Koshu, Chardonnay, and Pinot Noir, and is attracting attention from around the world. With the addition of a new cellar, the future holds great promise for the quality and quantity of their wines.

- Suntory Tomi no Oka Winery
- This winery produces larger quantities but also promises stability in their wine. The grapes produced in their vineyards, which include European varieties, are of superb quality. They are also fully prepared to accept visitors.

- Château Mercian
- This winery has a track record that is impressive, both historically and in terms of local contribution. Domestically, it is one of the most influential wineries.

- Balanced in both distinct wines and high quality daily wines, this winery delivers precise flavours, even throughout the most difficult years of climate and harvest.

- Grace Wine
- This winery has greatly contributed to the worldwide recognition of the Koshu variety. It is also well-known abroad.

- Always providing high quality wines at a reasonable cost. This winery explores the new possibilities of the Katsunuma region including the cultivation of Petit Verdot grapes.

- Creating a wide range of wines, from casual and high-quality to luxurious options. The Solaris series, in particular, is a flagship wine that has received high acclaim worldwide.

- Their bottom-range wine has a solid production number and is high and stable in quality. The Domaine series invites exciting flavours time after time.

- Kido Winery
- This winery expresses the exact characteristics of the grape varieties known to this region. Even amongst different vintages, they maintain a high level of quality.

- The vineyard located in an area full of greenery expands year by year, increasing the number of European grape varieties. Their sparkling wine, produced using the traditional method, is of superior quality.

*Honorific titles are omitted
NIKI Hills Winery
- Congratulations on the announcement of the Japan Winery Awards.My hometown of Bulgaria is one of the oldest wine-producing regions in the world, and the wine is very delicious.Recently, Japanese wine has also become increasingly delicious, so I have been drinking it more often. Please keep up the good work.
Naruto Stable Master ※Former Kotooshu
Katsunori Naruto

- About the JAL Award: This award is given to wineries selected by the Japan Winery Award Council with the expectation of future development, including from a tourism perspective. Japan Airlines also supports this award.
*posted in the order of the Japanese syllabary.
*some of the wineries are listed as their commonly known names.
*For companies wishing to change their winery name and URL, please click the inquiries link at the bottom of the page.


You can download the 2024 Winery List brochure here.
Liquor stores and restaurants are welcome to display and distribute the pamphlet in their stores, but please let us know if you wish to use it at a wine fair. The "Japan Winery Awards®" is a registered trademark.

Press and media inquiries
If you have any comments or questions regarding the media coverage and awards at the Winners of Japan Winery Award® 2024, please contact us from here.
- *The Japan Winery Award Council established the Japan Winery Award on February 25,2021.
Title Judges | Japan Winery Award |
Chairperson | Risaburo Endo |
Secretary General | Teruko Yamamoto |
Judges | Motoko Ishii Ryota Koyama Shinichiro Higuchi Makoto Fujimori Norihisa Yazawa Noriko Niwa Toshihio Fiji Hironobu Yokoyama Takemi Gomi Masaaki Nitta Ken Hasebe Hideo Kitamura Junya Hanaoka Yukari Ono Yuichiro Abe |
Staff | Sayoko Ichikawa , Hiroo Ito , Yumiko Muratomo |
Address | 1-33-3 Oshiage,Sumida-ku,Tokyo-to 131-0045,Japan |
Special Judges*Honorific titles are omitted

Naruto Stable Master ※Former Kotooshu
Katsunori Naruto

Anthony Rose
British lawyer-turned-wine writer. One of the founders of www.thewinegang.com, along with his own website, he regularly offers information about wines around the world and is well-trusted by wine lovers. A Judge at the Japan Wine Challenge, the Decanter World Wine Awards, and the Japan Wine Competition, he is one of the few journalists from overseas who is familiar and up to date with Japanese wine. He is also a contributor at The Independent, Decanter, and The Oxford Companion to Wine.
"Japan Winery Award®" is a registered trademark of Japan Winery Award.